
MecRoc Engineering is certified as a laboratory with competence recognition in accordance with the requirements of ISO / IEC 17025 in seismography measurement scope (particle speed and sound pressure) with the ABNT NBR 9653, which ensures a standard quality in testing and monitoring with a public and legal recognition.

Both in mining projects, as in other industrial activities that require performing rock blasting with use of explosives, must deal with the impact generated by vibration and acoustic pressure on the infrastructure in the vicinity, negative human perceptions, or disturbances in environmental nature.

Among the activities that require a seismic control with standard 17,025, are:

Seismographic monitoring of detonations close to the natural cavities.

Evaluation and fire plan otimizaçãode (background loading and mesh holes).

Vibration Management in civil works.

Seismographic control in urban areas.

Study of influences of vibrations in historical heritage.

Fire plan Monitoring controlled.


Av. dos Engenheiros, 431, sala 504

Manacás – Belo Horizonte – MG

CEP 30840-563

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(31) 3234-1219